Stacey Steele Yoga
Yoga Classes in Botley, Wickham, Fair Oak & Horton Heath
Welcome to Stacey Steele Yoga's School of Chill!
Where all of the Yoga is uniquely designed for the different development stages children aged from 2 - 16 years go through.
I love sharing yoga with young people across the Southampton and Portsmouth area.
I run classes for schools and preschools, charitable groups and organisations (such as the scout and guide movement) as well as occasional classes in the local community. Private Yoga sessions are also available in the Hedge End/Botley area.
I also love to do a little yoga at home with my two children, my husband and our pet cat and dog.
Children's Yoga in the Community
Pop-Up Yoga Classes in the Community & Private Tailored Sessions
Specially designed yoga sessions to give the children time to explore:
Mindful Movement - Breathing Practices - Meditation Techniques - Guided Relaxations - Creativity - Team Work - Discussion
💫 Increase Body Confidence 💫 Build Resilience
💫 Build Physical Strength & Flexibility
💫 Reduce Anxiety 💫 Aid Restful Sleep
Sign up to the mailing list to be the first to hear of community children's and family yoga events in the local area.
Looking for something personalised for your child/family; why not try a private yoga session at home? Ideal for children with anxiety, or if there is an area they would particularly like to work on. Private sessions are available on a one-off basis, or can be booked as a block.
Children's Yoga in Schools
Yoga means “union” and it is my mission to bring yoga to children of all backgrounds. Regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, culture, faith, financial status and school is the perfect place to reach all children.
Having worked in schools I have seen how my yoga classes:
💫 Sharpen Focus/Concentration 💫Reduce Anxiety
💫 Nurture Self Esteem 💫Develop Social Skills
💫 Regulate Emotions 💫Promote Rest/Relaxation
Yoga sessions with School of Chill are specially designed to be fun and engaging for children. Classes cover a broad range of subjects including PE, PSHE, Science, Geography, History, Maths, Languages, Reading, Art and can be customised to link to topics being worked on in school as well as a host of other themes like national days/seasonal events.
What can we offer
Yoga as part of the school day (i.e. as PE Sessions)
One-off workshops and events
Breakfast/ Lunchtime & After-School clubs
Children's Yoga in PreSchools
Starting tailored, age appropriate yoga from a young age gives the children a strong foundation for life-long wellbeing.
Yoga Sessions for Early Years use a combination of songs, rhymes, stories and games to make the classes interactive and engaging for the little ones.
I also use a range of props to let the children experience different items and ways of moving/breathing to assist with physical development.
Just a few benefits of yoga from 2 years of age include:
💫 Develop Motor Skills 💫 Improve Communication
💫 Build Confidence 💫 Practice Listening Skills
💫 Enhance Overall Wellbeing 💫 Sensory engagement